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WiiM Amp Pro Review: Name a better Network Amplifier, we’ll wait

The Amp Pro also plays well with Alexa Cast, Google Cast, Spotify Connect and TIDAL Connect, in addition to being Roon Ready and DLNA-compliant. You can access an absolute stack of music streaming services, Internet radio providers, and what have you accessible via the WiiM Home app it’s free for iOS and Android.

The app itself can take a moment or two to catch up with itself if the guest’s device goes to sleep, and it is not absolutely the last word in logic in terms of navigation, but otherwise it is among the examples more thorough and useful of its application. write around. In addition to allowing access to Amazon Music, Deezer, Qobuz, vTuner, and a host of other services, it features a room correction routine, a 10-band EQ (with 24 amazing presets), space for a dozen ” favourites”. a balance control, and also an alarm clock.

Easy listening

The device ships with a fairly complete remote control phone if you prefer to operate your devices that way, and if you’re interested in just making your requests vocally, the Amp Pro is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

Aerial view of the WiiM Amp Pro and remote

Photography: Simon Lucas

No matter how you prefer to control it, the WiiM Amp Pro is a friendly and easy-to-operate device. Provided you keep things sensible and proportionate when dealing the speakers who drive and the source equipment that supports it, it is not a kind of difficulty to hear, either.

Play to their strengths with a 24-bit/48-kHz FLAC file of “Common ground” by James Holden via TIDAL Connect, and the Amp Pro proves to be very accomplished in many ways. It finds a nice tonal balance, for example, there is only a small note of warmth at the bottom of the frequency range, but nothing problem. In every other area it is as neutral and natural. And apart from a slight (and probably quite sensitive) dip from the highest frequencies, the frequency response from top to bottom is also smooth.

At the bottom of the frequency range the Amp Pro hits with real determination. It controls the attack of low sounds with the kind of authority that allows the rhythms to be expressed with proper confidence. There’s an authentic variation to the low-end stuff, lots of detail in terms of tone and texture revealed, and everything is put into a compelling context.

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