Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Rose J. Janes

Rose J. Janes

A Light Fish Tank

U Origin PC Neuron 3500X it looks the part of an expensive gaming PC. Corsair, in all its wisdom, ships its Origin PCs in huge wooden crates that you need to break open. Snuggled in that crate is a box,…

The invisible battlefield Russia-Ukraine | WIRED

Russia’s systems were “not very mobile, not very distributed,” Clark tells WIRED. Their relatively small number of large systems, Clark says, “were not really relevant in the fight.” Moscow’s strategy assumed that there would be a relatively static battlespace. At…

“I was raped by Assad’s thugs

BBC Rene says he is now happy to be photographed “because there is no republic of fear” It belonged to his grandmother. Something solid. A thing to hold in your hands, run your fingers through and trace down the memory…